Friday, September 17, 2010

Via Guilia and the Roman Forum

Last night I took a stroll down the Via Guilia, one of the older streets.  We visited many churches along the way.  We also stopped at the Jewish Synagogue.  The two areas that interested me the most was the home where St. Paul was first imprisoned here in Rome.  It is now a very small chapel built over the exact foundation of the home.  Also stopped at St. Bartholomew's church.  In this church are many altars to contemporary martyrs.  For instance they had the martyrs from various African Nations, martyrs from the time of Nazism, and martyrs of Mexico and Central America.  Among them remembered were Archbishop Romero of El Salvador and Archbishop Ocampo of Guadalajara, Mexico.  Pope Benedict XVI visited this church recently, which is a high honor.

Today was spent in the Roman Forum.  There is too much history to repeat.  It is amazing to think we are walking where Julius Cesar walked.  It is also sad to think of the violence committed and the triumphs which lead slaves to Rome and stole the treasures of the temple in Jerusalem.  Now there are Christian churches everywhere.  Yet, we were told a few people still bring flowers to the temple of Julius Cesar even through it is in ruins.

However, the highlight of my day, was a visit to the Church of Saint Ignatius.  The tomb of St. Robert Bellarmine is there and today is his feast day.  I went to the tomb with a new friend and classmate to pray vespers.  Many people and seminarians were also present at various times.  Then we spent time in meditation before the blessed sacrament where two young woman were playing the bass and singing to Jesus.  It was a very holy moment.

These days here for me are filled with relaxation and spiritual growth.  I hope more people eventually find this blog and I hope my little entries and photos help share this experience in a virtual way.

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