Thursday, September 30, 2010

Liturgy and Other Prayerful Moments

This week consisted of three days of classes on the liturgy with particular focus on the new Roman Missal.  We also had the opportunity to visit the SCAVI below St. Peter's Basilica and this morning we will be visiting the Catacombs.

The three days on the liturgy were very helpful.  The New Roman Missal will require some time to adjust to, especially, in learning the new words of the Gloria and Creed.  Yet, in many ways, I believe it will bring us closer to the Lord in our unified prayer.  I deeply appreciated recieving the inside knowledge on the history and reason behind the decisions made in this missal.  Whatever the changes, they will not be as dramatic as the change in the 1960's going from Latin to English. 

During these days I also have attended some beautiful prayer experiences.  Tuesday night I have been attending the Praise and Worship prayer service with the seminarains.  I have very much enjoyed this opportunity and have presented many petitions to the Lord here.  Also, on Wednesday I attended the prayer service of a lay movement known as Saint Egidio.  The church was packed as the group prayed for peace and justice in the world.  It was a very beautiful prayer experience with people from all over the world present.  A sense of unity was very strong.

Statue of St.  Peter from St. John Lateran
 The highlight, however, was being asked by the group to pray in front of the bones of St. Peter in the burial site under the dome of St. Peter.  This is our first Pope, the one who Jesus gave the keys to the church.  His death in Rome was one of martyrdom.  His burial site has been the site of pilgrims from the earliest of Christian times.  There is a grafiti wall where messages were left to him in ancient days.  Here is a sense of history and the reality that the Church has undergone many challenges and trials, but it remains.  Thus, I know that the Church will be strong again and that many will reach salvation through the graces of Jesus Christ which it generously offers to all.

Today I leave for Florence to visit the art world of Italy.  Be blogging more upon my return.

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