Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Week of Sabbatical

After one week here, I am first trying to open a blog.  In short, I have gotten over the jet lag.  On Friday we offered Mass at St. Peter's before the tomb of St. Peter, the first Pope.  It was a very beautiful and emotional experience.  I prayed for the leaders of Glenmary and for all Bishops.  I offered the Mass for Bishop Gainer, the ordinary of the Diocese of Lexington who has been my Bishop for these last several years.

Yesterday, went for the first excursion to the  Pantheon area for gelato.  Gelato is a wonderful Italian ice cream.  My flavors were frutti de bosco (fruit of the woods), melone (melon) and kiwi.  I liked the kiwi and frutti de bosco but not so much the melone.

Today we walked another way which I cannot remember.  Too much history to absorb.  I do remember that the fountain of Pope Paul the V contains the original pillars of the old St. Peters.

I hope in the future to write more in depth and more spiritually.  This blog is my way to share the gift of my sabbatical with those who have walked with me in this life.

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