Monday, November 22, 2010


Today is my last day in Rome.  The first three months of the sabbatical are now finished.  In December I will be with my family in Minnesota.  In January and February I will head to Mexico to improve my Spanish language skills.  So I would like to end this  portion of the blog with a reflection of my week in Assisi.

Cross of San Damiano

 This is a very peaceful place.  After arrival, I walked down the hill to the church of San Damiano.  This church was in physical ruin when St. Francis went there to pray.  Sitting in front of the cross, he heard Jesus say to him, "Rebuild my church for it is in ruins."  St. Francis took this literally and began to rebuild this little church.  One of the things I never knew was that Francis took money from his father without permission to accomplish this task.  This is what led to the confrontation in front of the Bishop.  During this confrontation, Francis strips naked and gives everything to his father and declares he now has one father, the Father in heaven.

Later Francis gives this church to St. Clare and her followers.  Here I visited the place where Clare died, ate, and lived.  Since my birthday is August 11, it was a wonderful place to begin my retreat.  If you do not know, that is the day Clare died and is her feast day on the religious calendar.

The next day I we had Mass in the church of St. Chiara (St. Clare).  This where she is now buried. Later on they moved the covenant inside the city walls for defense.  Also, the chapel in which we offered Mass happened to be where the actually cross Francis prayed in front of and which spoke to him hangs.  I prayed here everyday.  I prayed for all I know who are sick and I prayed for all my woman Franciscan friends.

In the afternoon, I journeyed to the lower church by foot.  This is the church of St. Maria degli Angeli which surrounds the Portiuncula.  This is where Francis lived and died.  The church inside the church was also built by him, but was a gift from the Benedictines.  So, of course, I prayed for all my Benedictine friends, both men and women. 

Wednesday we had Mass at the church of Chiesa Nuova which is built over his family home and his father's business.  This is a very quaint church.  The Franciscan who is the sacristan is 94 years old.  That afternoon I wondered all over the city enjoying many churches.  Of course, I spent time in the Basilicia where the body of St. Francis rests.

Cave area

Thursday we had Mass at the cathedral of St. Ruffino.  This is a martyr before the time of St. Francis.  In this church is a beautiful display of original  paintings of John  Paul II beginning as a young pope and ending with then Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) hold the cross for the Pope to kiss on Good Friday.  This a very moving display. 

Statue of St. Stephen

In the afternoon, I journeyed by taxi to the caves where Francis and brothers often spent there days in prayer and fasting.  It was raining, but it was here that I carried my prayer lists and remember everyone.  I loved this area.  I hope the Lord will allow me to return when it is not raining.  Still it was a meditative afternoon. I concluded the afternoon praying in a little church dedicated to St. Stephen the martyr, my name sake.  This church has not been remodeled in any significant way since the time of St. Francis.  It is a wonderful, quiet place for prayer.  That evening many of us attended a musical about the life of St. Clare.  It was fabulous!!!

Tomb of St. Francis of Assisi

The final morning we had Mass in front of the tomb of St. Francis.  What can I say?  The holiness of the place overwhelms me.  I dedicated this Mass to peace in the world including the hearts of each of us.  The spiritual insights were many.  Yet, the largest is God loves us and the little acts of love we return is great gift.  Joy is in simplicity!

Thank you for walking with me through my three months in Rome and the Holy Land.  Stay tuned for whatever is next!  Peace!!!!

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