Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back from the Holy Land

Star to mark the spot where Christ was born in Bethlehem

steps from the time of Christ, believed to be the actually steps he walked
 I feel alive and full of the Holy Spirit.  I have walked once again in the footsteps of our Lord.  I have prayed along the sea of Galilee, touched the spot of his birth, journeyed to the garden of Gethsemane, prayed over the spot of crucifixion and celebrated Mass where he was laided in the tomb and rose on the third day.  I entered the upper room where the first Eucharist was celebrated and Pentecost, the gift of the Holy Spirit, blew in.  I even spent a few moments at the site of Emmaus for some final quiet prayer before our journey home.  Over the next few days, I hope to unfold these events bit by bit.  You, my faithful reader, might find grace in this, but for me, it will also help gain deeper understanding to this blessed event.

Pope Benedict XVI upon leaving the Papal Mass
 Yesterday, too, was a grace.  Upon my return, I was one of the priests to distribute communion at the Papal Mass which was held for the closing of the Synod on the Middle East.  Having just returned from Israel and the West Bank, it seemed a fitting conclusion.  I was only three rows away from the Holy Father during the consecration of the Holy Eucharist.  Then after distributing communion, us priests were ushered to another part of the church.  Thus, as the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI left the church, I could have reached out at touched him. 

Thus, I return renewed with many spiritual blessings which hopefully will help me be a better priest and a better Christian.  May Jesus Christ be praised now and forever!!

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